
About Braevo

At Braevo, the leading television and interactive panels brand specializes in providing the most prominent technological products for the retail business within the geographical boundaries.


Security considerations for corporate: Interactive displays in protecting sensitive information


Nowadays, technology grows focusing on collaboration and productivity among face-to-face and remote teams based on interactive flat panel displays. This lets the corporate design and arrange the meetings quickly, share content and inspire creativity and innovation.

Interactive Flat Panel Display: What Is It?:

Collaboration tools such as interactive whiteboarding, videoconferencing, screen sharing, and more can be facilitated via interactive flat panel displays. If participants stay in the room or attend remotely, you may safely communicate with them due to the latest technology.

These one-stop gadgets integrate multiple conference management and teamwork features into a single, sizable flat-panel display. Interactive flat panel displays allow customers to take advantage of multitouch features on the screen itself or link from their gadgets.

Benefits of interactive smart boards:

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of using a smart board in a classroom. One advantage of using smart technology is the setting up of a blended and personalised learning environment, which improves students’ cognitive and physical growth. Additionally, technology equips teachers with the most up-to-date smart and virtual teaching tools to improve the theoretical and practical academic foundation that fosters an interactive, engaging, and enjoyable learning environment in the classroom.

Later, it is also necessary to think about the security considerations in the corporate field while using interactive displays.

  1. An unsecured Wi-Fi connection allows someone to intercept or view your network data. Easily prevent these interruptions by encrypting all of your data. Set strong password requirements and secure passwords for your network’s Wi-Fi to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system. Encrypt the entire drive of all desktop or laptop that employee uses during their remote jobs.
  2. The probability of cybersecurity breaches rises dramatically when many employees have continuous access to connected gadgets like tablets and laptops. Use cloud security and content filtering as part of a two-tiered security strategy to guarantee secure internet use.
  3. Even if you take great care to secure your network, breaches can still occur. Teach your employees to never log in to unsecure websites—such as those that don’t use HTTP—online. Further helpful information and training can improve security and employees understand the technology safety practices for the future.
  4. Password protection and identification are among the simplest forms of data security procedures to put into place. Numerous large companies experience significant data breaches that result in the disclosure of their clients’ login passwords, which are readily accessible on the dark web.
  5. Brute-force cracking is a technique used by many hackers to guess popular usernames and passwords to access accounts. Commonly, many employees choose to increase their security risks using the same usernames and passwords for various accounts. Using authentication protocols, users can rapidly and effectively defend themselves against the majority of hacker attempts.
  6. Cloud storage offers benefits and drawbacks. You need a cloud security tool that can identify possible vulnerabilities, give alerts, and prevent users from visiting unsafe websites or installing potentially malicious or ransomware-filled apps if you want to protect the devices from cyber threats.
    Cloud security can offer you the network protection, transparency, and insights you need to keep data safe when combined with an effective content filtering program. Although cloud technology is helpful for collaboration and storage, it is susceptible if any unencrypted data is delivered to it because the provider can view it.
  7. Due to the countless configuration choices available in modern web server management software, there are also countless possibilities to go wrong:
    • Not blocking the serving of files or directories
    • Not clearing the web server of default, temporary, or guest accounts
    • Leaving ports exposed on the web server
    • Using outdated level of security techniques
  8. Before making a purchase, find out if setting up a device on your network will be safe. For example, find out what information the app, software, or device collects. Who has access to, or the ability to see, alter, or remove the data being gathered? Where does this data end up? Are databases and cloud solutions secure?
  9. Update your PC’s software frequently. The majority of security breaches result from known flaws in a system. These simple breaches will be more difficult to achieve if you keep your systems patched with the most recent updates. Maintain the most recent versions of your anti-virus and security software, and make sure it is regularly checked for possible issues.
  10. It is critical to safeguard the confidentiality of joint projects and working sessions. Thus, finding the interactive flat panel displays that come with the additional layer of hardware-based protection enhances and increases current security measures. It can tightly interface with common toolkits and other infrastructure components, and it supports enhanced encryption.
  11. These days, screens are an integral part of everything we do, from work to leisure. But we must keep in mind that having screens is not always a good thing. Sometimes these displays are actual targets for data theft if the right security measures aren’t taken. A few simple screen privacy best practices can protect all of our sensitive data from visual hackers and other low-tech criminal actors, such as installing a good privacy filter on particularly vulnerable devices.